jim briant banusan

2013 - Present
Teach OIIQ-RN Examination
Founded RN101.net in 2013 after passing the OIIQ-RN examination. Since then the company continued growing wherein I already helped thousands of aspiring newly graduate nurses to pass their OIIQ-RN exam. In 2018, at the age of 32, I retired in the nursing profession to focus my energy with my family and in coaching next generation nurses.
2015 - 2018
Team Leader Nurse, St. Anne Veterans Hospital
Responsible for ensuring the delivery of safe and effective nursing care to Canadian Veterans. As the team leader, I’m accountable for nursing service delivery. Work collaboratively with the whole general practice team to meet the needs of patients, supporting the delivery of policy and procedures, and providing leadership and direction for the nursing team.
2011 - 2012
On Call Home Care, Cummings Centre
Responsible for home visits to give respite care to elderlies with various needs, thereby allowing family members to get a timeout from care or spend time for themselves.
About Me
I am not a “self-proclaimed” guru nor the best lecturer. I’m just a guy who LOVES to help others, provide nurses guidance, and confidence to increase their chances to pass the OIIQ exam. There are a lot of great teachers out there who are like me. But they don’t teach what exactly you need to pass your OIIQ exam. When a student put the effort, hard work, and responsibility, we have a recipe for success nearly 100% of the time.
Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN) Program
Respiratory Therapy Course
Medical Transcription Course
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- www.rn101.net
- info@rn101.net
- (514) 632 4228